发布时间:2022 年 7 月 31 日DOI:https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.07.016
在人类和哺乳动物疾病模型中,慢性、无法控制的压力会导致精神综合征,包括焦虑症和重度抑郁症。 [^1](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#bib1)^ ^,2^ 同样,数天的慢性压力会导致果蝇与抑郁相关的行为改变,伴随大脑中生物胺水平的变化。 [^3](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#)^ ^,^ [^4](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#)^ ^,^ [^5](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#)^ ^,^ [^6](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#)^ 在我们的慢性压力范式中,苍蝇会经历 3 天的 300 Hz 振动重复阶段,同时过度拥挤和食物匮乏。这种治疗减少了自愿行为活动,包括攀登巨大差距(冒险)和停下来吃甜食(快感缺失)的动机,这表明存在抑郁样状态(DLS)。这些行为变化与减少血清素释放到蘑菇体 (MB) 相关,蘑菇体MB 是苍蝇中央大脑的主要行为控制中心。 [^7](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#bib7)^ ^,8^ 通过喂食抗抑郁血清素前体 5-HTP 或选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂氟西汀,可以缓解 抑郁样状态DLS 压力的果蝇。值得注意的是,给压力很大的果蝇喂食蔗糖会导致大脑中血清素水平升高并改善 抑郁样状态DLS。 [^3-1](https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)01117-4#bib3)^ 在这里,我们表明这种糖的缓解作用是由位于食管下神经节的腹侧未配对内侧神经元发出的神经递质章鱼胺介导的。甜味章鱼胺信号通过多巴胺能 PAM 神经元传递到 蘑菇体MB。此外,神经元沉默实验表明,支配 蘑菇体MB 的 5-羟色胺能背侧配对内侧 (DPM) 神经元对于缓解糖分至关重要。相反,DPM 的热遗传或光遗传激活可以取代甜味,阐明 DPM 的血清素信号参与正向调节 抑郁样状态DLS 相关的行为变化。
这里不多评论,只需要指出抑郁症患者的糖“瘾”至少被医学公认50年,一直被视为抑郁症的合并症,同样需要治疗. 医生一直建议抑郁症患者抵制摄入糖分的冲动,警告说这种“暴食”会对患者的情绪和全身健康产生不利影响。这个研究不同意并再次证明(就像臭名昭著的老鼠公园实验 50 年前所做的那样)大多数“上瘾”行为只是一种绝望的自我药疗尝试。就糖而言,实际上是真正的治疗性药物,并且比现代医学向所有年龄段患者(甚至婴儿)提供的有毒 SSRI 药物(像糖果但不是糖)更安全。然而,大众媒体文章仍然告诫人们不要“暴食”,因为这可能对健康产生不利影响。俗话说——有些人永远学不会……在这种情况下不只是病人
In this episode of Medical Myths, we discuss some of the many misunderstandings surrounding one of the sweetest nutritional topics: sugar.
By Tim Newman on January 18, 2021 — Fact checked by Anna Guildford, Ph.D.
In our Medical Myths series, we approach medical misinformation head on. Using expert insight and peer reviewed research to wrestle fact from fiction, MNT brings clarity to the myth riddled world of health journalism.
Today is the first day of Sugar Awareness Week. With this in mind, the Medical Myths truth wagon will take a cruise to Sugar Town via Misconception Lane.
Over the centuries, this crystalline sweetener has invaded everyone’s snacks, drinks, guts, and minds. It has caused its fair share of controversy, too.
Although everyone is familiar with sugar as a concept, we’ll start with a brief explainer.
Sugar is a soluble carbohydrate — a biological molecule consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Other carbohydrates include starch and cellulose, which is a structural component of plant cell walls.
Simple sugars, or monosaccharides, include glucose and fructose. Granulated sugar is a compound sugar, or disaccharide, known as sucrose, which consists of glucose and fructose. During digestion, the body breaks down disaccharides into monosaccharides.
Still, the chemistry of sugar does not explain its infamy. The substance gained its dastardly reputation because it tastes delicious and, if consumed too freely, is bad for our health.
Some experts believe sugar is an addictive substance. For instance, the authors of a controversial narrative review in 2017 write:
“Animal data has shown significant overlap between the consumption of added sugars and drug-like effects, including bingeing, craving, tolerance, withdrawal, cross-sensitization, cross-tolerance, cross-dependence, and reward and opioid effects.”
However, this review focuses on animal studies. As the authors of another review explain, “there is a methodological challenge in translating this work because humans rarely consume sugar in isolation.”
Dr. Dominic M. Dwyer from Cardiff University’s School of Psychology explains, “Although certainly present in some people, addiction-like behaviors toward sugar and other foods are present only in a minority of obese individuals. However, we should remember that sugar can drive the overconsumption of foods alongside its addiction-like potential.”
Along similar lines, Prof. David Nutt, Chair of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs and head of the Department of Neuropsychopharmacology and Molecular Imaging at Imperial College London, writes:
“There is not currently scientific evidence that sugar is addictive, although we know that sugar has psychological effects, including producing pleasure, and these are almost certainly mediated via brain reward systems.”
It is worth noting that even though health experts do not class sugar as an addictive substance, that does not make it healthful.
This is perhaps the most common myth associated with sugar: eating candy causes children to run wild. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that sugar increases hyperactivity in the vast majority of children.
For instance, a 1995 meta-analysis in JAMATrusted Source combined data from 23 experiments across 16 scientific papers. They concluded:
“This meta-analysis of the reported studies to date found that sugar (mainly sucrose) does not affect the behavior or cognitive performance of children.”
However, people with children may doubt the truth of this conclusion. For those interested in reading more, we address this myth extensively in an earlier edition of Medical Myths.
Another relatively common myth is that sugar directly causes diabetes. However, there is no direct link between the two. The confusion perhaps arises because there is an intrinsic association between blood sugar levels and diabetes.
The story is a little more complicated, though. Overweight and obesity are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, and consuming high levels of sugar does increase the likelihood of developing overweight or obesity. However, sugar is not the direct cause of type 2 diabetes.
As for type 1 diabetes, dietary and lifestyle factors do not play a part.
Fruits are delicious, partly because they are sweet, thanks to naturally occurring sugars. Because of their sugar content, some people believe that we should avoid eating fruit when maintaining a moderate weight.
This is a myth. Fruits contain a range of healthful compounds, including a variety of vitamins and minerals, and fiber.
Fruit consumption is associated with health benefits, including a reduced mortality rateTrusted Source.
One studyTrusted Source concluded that freeze-dried mango “does not negatively impact body weight but provides a positive effect on fasting blood glucose.” Another studyTrusted Source found that consuming blueberries enhanced insulin sensitivity.
However, it is worth noting that the two studies mentioned above received grants from the National Mango Board and the United States Highbush Blueberry Council, respectively.
Make of that what you will, but there is no doubt that consuming fruit benefits health. Removing it from our diet to reduce sugar intake would be a mistake.
Because we know consuming excess sugar is bad for health, it makes sense to reduce our intake. However, it is not necessary to remove it from our diet entirely.
As we noted above, fruits contain sugar, and they benefit health, so cutting it from our diet would be counter-productive.
As with everything in life, moderation is key. With that said, sweetened beverages, such as soda, have associations with several negative health consequences, including kidney damageTrusted Source, cellular aging, hip fracturesTrusted Source, obesity, type 2 diabetesTrusted Source, and moreTrusted Source.
Cutting soda from our diets would certainly not be a terrible idea.
Despite the rumors, most experts do not believe sugar directly causes cancer or fuels its spread.
Cancer cells divide rapidly, meaning they require a great deal of energy, which sugar can provide. This, perhaps, is the root of this myth.
However, all cells need sugar, and cancer cells also require other nutrients to survive, such as amino acids and fats, so it’s not all about sugar. According to Cancer Research UK:
“There’s no evidence that following a sugar-free diet lowers the risk of getting cancer, or boosts the chances of surviving if you are diagnosed.”
As with diabetes, there is a twist — increased sugar intake has links with weight gain, while overweight and obesity are linked with increased cancer risk.
So, although sugar does not directly cause cancer and does not help it thrive, if someone consumes high levels of sugar and develops obesity, their risk increases.
Scientists are continuing to investigate the relationship between cancer and sugar intake. If there are links between the two, they are likely to be convoluted. For instance, the American Cancer SocietyTrusted Source write:
“There is […] evidence that a dietary pattern high in added sugars affects levels of insulin and related hormones in ways that may increase the risk of certain cancers.”
One studyTrusted Source, which included data from 101,279 participants, concluded that “[t]otal sugar intake was associated with higher overall cancer risk,” even after controlling for multiple factors, including weight.
Other researchers have found links between sugar intake and specific cancers, such as endometrial cancer and colon cancer. However, for now, the link is not as solid as the rumor mill claims.
Sugar is a much-researched topic. Typing “sugar health” into Google Scholar brings up more than 78,000 results from 2020 alone. Navigating this amount of content is unwieldy, and, as with any scientific topic, there are disagreements.
Something to bear in mind is that many studies investigating the health impacts of sugar receive funding from the food industry. One reviewTrusted Source of research into soft drink consumption, nutrition, and health examined the results of 88 relevant studies.
They found “clear associations” between soft drink intake, body weight, and medical issues.” Tellingly, they also report that “studies funded by the food industry reported significantly smaller effects than did non-industry-funded studies.”
Although there are a number of misunderstandings surrounding sugar, some things are certain: although it might not directly cause diabetes or cancer, eating high levels of sugar is not healthful. Moderation, I am afraid, is the solution.
蒂姆·纽曼 (Tim Newman ) 于 2021年 1 月 18 日 — Anna Guildford 博士核实了事实。
在我们的医学神话系列中,我们直面医学错误信息。MNT 使用专家洞察力和同行评议研究来从小说中找出事实,让充满神话色彩的健康新闻世界变得清晰。
今天是 糖宣传周的第一天。考虑到这一点,“医学神话”真相旅行车将通过 Misconception Lane 乘船前往糖镇。
几个世纪以来,这种结晶甜味剂已经侵入了每个人的零食、饮料、肠道和头脑。它也引起了相当大的 争议。
一些专家认为糖是一种令人上瘾的物质。例如, 2017 年有争议的叙述性评论的作者写道:
卡迪夫大学心理学学院的 Dominic M. Dwyer 博士 解释说:“虽然某些人肯定存在,但对糖和其他食物的类似成瘾行为仅存在于少数肥胖个体中。然而,我们应该记住,糖除了具有成瘾的潜力之外,还会导致食物的过度消费。”
例如,1995 年 JAMA Trusted Source中的一项荟萃分析 结合了 16 篇科学论文的 23 个实验的数据。他们得出结论:
但是,有孩子的人可能会怀疑这个结论的真实性。对于那些有兴趣阅读更多内容的人,我们在 早期版本 的医学神话中广泛讨论了这个神话。
不过,这个故事有点复杂。超重和肥胖是 2 型糖尿病的危险因素,摄入高水平的糖确实会增加超重或肥胖的可能性。然而,糖并不是 2 型糖尿病的直接原因。
至于 1 型糖尿病, 饮食和生活方式因素无关紧要 。
水果消费与健康益处相关,包括 降低死亡率。
一项 研究 得出的结论是,冻干芒果“不会对体重产生负面影响,但会对空腹血糖产生积极影响。” 另一项 研究 发现食用蓝莓可增强胰岛素敏感性。
尽你所能,但 毫无疑问 ,食用水果有益于健康。从我们的饮食中去除它以减少糖的摄入量是错误的。
与生活中的一切一样,适度是关键。话虽如此,加糖饮料(例如苏打水)与一些负面的健康后果有关,包括 肾脏损害、 细胞老化、 髋部骨折、 肥胖、 2 型糖尿病等等 。
然而,所有的细胞都需要糖,癌细胞也需要其他营养物质才能生存,比如氨基酸和脂肪,所以不仅仅是糖。根据 英国癌症研究中心:
与糖尿病一样,有一个转折点——增加糖摄入量与体重增加有关,而超重和肥胖 与 癌症风险增加有关。
因此,虽然糖不会直接导致癌症,也不会帮助它茁壮成长,但如果有人摄入高水平的糖并发展为肥胖,他们的 风险就会增加。
科学家们正在继续研究癌症与糖摄入量之间的关系。如果两者之间有联系,它们很可能是错综复杂的。例如, 美国癌症协会可信来源 写道:
“有 […] 证据表明,高添加糖的饮食模式会影响胰岛素和相关激素的水平,从而可能会增加某些癌症的风险。”
一项 研究包括来自101,279名参与者的数据,得出的结论是“总糖摄入量与较高的总体癌症风险相关”,即使在控制了包括体重在内的多种因素后也是如此。
其他研究人员发现糖摄入与特定癌症(如 子宫内膜癌 和 结肠癌)之间存在联系。然而,就目前而言,这种联系并不像谣言工厂所声称的那样牢固。
糖是一个备受研究的话题。仅在 2020 年,在 Google Scholar 中输入“糖健康”就会产生超过 78,000 个结果。浏览如此多的内容很笨拙,并且与任何科学主题一样,存在分歧。
需要记住的是,许多调查糖对健康影响的研究都从食品行业获得了资助。一篇 关于软饮料 消费、营养和健康的研究对 88 项相关研究的结果进行了审查。
他们发现软饮料摄入量、体重和医疗问题之间存在“明显关联”。” 引人注目的是,他们还报告说,“由食品行业资助的研究报告的影响明显小于非行业资助的研究。”