
Ray Peat 博士和 Kate Deering 博士的维生素 D、钙和矿物质代谢 2021 年 6 月 22 日


We’ve had Dr. Peat on the podcast before, and it actually ended up being our most downloaded WinAtLife podcast. So, we brought him back again to discuss vitamin D, calcium and mineral metabolism.

There’s so much good information in this one! Dr. Peat offers up a lot of clarity when it comes to the great vitamin D debate. So, should you supplement vitamin D? Should you not? What else should you know when it comes to vitamin D and your metabolic health?

As a reminder Vitamin D has many names The three most mentioned in this podcast are Cholecalciferol also known as D3 (what is in food or supplements) "Stored D" also know as calcidiol / 25OHD /hydroxycholecalciferol "Active D" also know as calcitriol / 1,25D

Dr. Peat uses the references of 25OHD /hydroxycholecalciferol (stored) and 1,25D (active)

In this episode we talk about... ➡️ The purpose of Vitamin D ➡️ How is vitamin D metabolised and stored ➡️ How much D is too much? ➡️ The difference between Active and Stored Vitamin D ➡️ Can "stored D" have active properties? ➡️ Is elevated Active D (1,25D) a good thing? ➡️ Do Vitamin D supplements suppress the immune system? ➡️ The Vitamin D "receptor" theory-is it correct? ➡️ Are blood levels of stored D (25OHD) correct? ➡️ What are optimal stored Vitamin D levels? ➡️ The relationship between D and Ca ➡️ Understanding the importance of parathyroid hormone (PTH) ➡️ What can affect PTH besides Calcium and Vitamin D ➡️ What causes calcified tissue ➡️ Understanding the calcium -magnesium connection ➡️ What ratios, if any, are optimal for minerals? ➡️ Understanding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis? Are they accurate?

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