
【The Ketogenic Diet for Health: The Effect of Ketogenic Diets on Thyroid Hormones】 The idea that ketogenic diets are “bad for thyroid” is spouted in keto-opposed and keto-friendly venues alike. Despite rampant parroting, it is difficult to fi

【The Ketogenic Diet for Health: The Effect of Ketogenic Diets on Thyroid Hormones】 The idea that ketogenic diets are “bad for thyroid” is spouted in keto-opposed and keto-friendly venues alike. Despite rampant parroting, it is difficult to find evidence to support this idea. ​​​ 全文 本文认为在#生酮饮食#之后甲状腺t3下降并非坏事,反而是对身体有益的。 https://weibo.cn/comment/EmeVCnAH8