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08/10/2015-tyw-Cold Thermogenesis is a Hormetic Stressor

Dr Jack Kruse popularised the notion of “Cold Thermogenesis” (CT) in late 2011 to 2012 杰克·克鲁斯博士在2011年底至2012年普及了“冷生热作用”(CT)的概念


I mostly assume in this post that the reader is familiar with the protocol. The purpose of this post is to be a precautionary note against potentially harmful effects of over-using CT.


The practice of acute Cold Exposure is beneficial. I do not need to go into the benefits here, since those have been covered in depth at other sources. Either way, it's a great thing when done in tolerable amounts (tolerance will vary), and most people probably aren't exposing themselves to enough cold.


But there are mis-understandings behind the definition of charge that lead to some bad conclusions about cold “always being good for you”.


Hall Effect霍尔效应

Firstly, Kruse mentions that cold “increases the Quantum Hall Effect”.


I don't buy the Hall Effect. Miles Mathis gives a mechanistic explanation for what it is



He has shown that the Hall Effect is not some magic Quantum nonsense, but just an interaction between 2 seperate charge fields. In only happens when an external field is supplied. It does not magically “increase energy in the system”.


To see if the Hall Effect is useful in biology, we have to discuss it in relation to biologic structures. I cannot see enough evidence that the Hall effect is actually significant in biologic tissues.


Sidenote on Magnetico (Sleeping over a strong static magnetic field)


The experiments by Robert Becker prove that applying a strong magnetic field perpendicular to the neurons of a salamander could induce unconcsiousness / anesthesia. This is simple enough to explain using Mathis' model.


A strong external magnetic field will cancel the emitted magnetic photons from neuronal structures (again, “magnetism” is just another part of the charge field, as is composed of photons). This will basically shut down certain inter-neuron communication channels, and induce unconsciousness.


Becker clearly showed that turning the magnetic field 90 degrees induced excitability in his salamnaders. Again, simple mechanics, since now your photons are enhancing the output field of neurons.贝克尔清楚地表明,将磁场旋转90度就能诱导蝾螈的兴奋性。再一次,简单的力学,因为现在你的光子增强了神经元的输出场。

Some Common Sense


If we're so good in the cold, why use a body temperature of 37C?


Why do birds have a body temperature of 40-43C, have better tolerance to the cold, and have less leaky mitochondria? If we had the mitochondria of birds, we'd live 3 times as long and never get cancer. (elaboration in Nick Lane's books, 'Power, Sex, and Suicide')


Body temperature rises during CT. Isn't it the biologic reaction to cold (producing heat) that we're after?


Rheterical question: What happens when we cannot uncouple to produce heat? Chaos ensues!


Superconductivity (or super-non-conductivity)超导

Back to some mechanics. Kruse claims that “cold increases superconductivity”, or that “we get more energy efficient as we reduce temperatures closer to the Curie Temperature”.


First, the curie temperature of bone is 125C, and that of most collagen types is around 92C.


Ref: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01857614#page-1

We are operating far below this temperature. ie: Any drop in temperature is not going to affect the “magnetic coherence” of collagen structures in the body.


The most important metric for collagen and bone conductivity is hydration, so water is the most important. But then again, we need to understand how EZ water works.



EZ水,英文是Exclusive zone water,中文翻译为:“禁区水”,或者“禁入区水”。定义这个“水”的概念的人,是杰拉德·波拉克(Gerald H.Pollack),华盛顿大学生物工程系教授,宾夕法尼亚大学博士,科技期刊《水》的创始人以及总编辑。在《水的第四阶段》(The Fourth Phase of Water)一书中杰拉尔德·波拉克(Gerald Pollack)巧妙地提出了一种水化学的新理论,这一理论不仅对化学和生物学具有深远意义而且对我们理解自然和对待自然的隐喻基础也具有深远意义。 图片








Exclusion zone water现象,系指在水溶液中胶体粒子等大型溶质无法靠近多种亲水性表面,形成数十到数百微米厚的“空乏区”,简称为EZ。目前提出的理论认为此处形成了特殊结构水,然而,台湾学者的实验使用磁珠却可穿入EZ区。因此提出EZ是由扩散渗流(diffusiosmosis)与扩散泳(diffusiophoresis)综合造成的想法来解释。应用此研究结果,可发展新的溶质过滤萃取方式,或利用离子交换产生的流场作为新的发电方式。

从化学角度来分析,EZ水,就是H3O2。H3O2 = H2O + ·HO。也就是说,一个水分子,加上一个氢氧根。这种分子结构与普通水或者冰的结构完全不同,它是具有活性的。有人说是具有记忆,或者是智力,这些还有待研究。




Again, Mathis gives us a mechanistic explanation of what exactly “superconductivity” means. 马西斯再一次从力学的角度解释了“超导性”的确切含义。(my excerpts here我在这里摘录:http://tanyewwei.com/notes/mm-heat/)

This should be called super-non-conductivity. “Conductivity” means that a material doesn't interfere with any charge that is flowing through it.


A superconducting material becomes worthless as an energy source, but becomes tremendous as a means of charge transmission between two or more places.


There is no energy being created. If you do not have enough energy to go round in the body in the first place (either not enough input, or not able to mobilise stored energy), getting your collagen fibers super-conducting isn't going to help you at all.


But then again, temperature isn't a big factor for our collagen wires. Hydration is, and we need to look at what allows collagen to be used in the body (again, biologic phenomena, not strictly physical)


On to Collagen …


We know that the most important signalling happens along lines of collagen, actin, and integrin networks in the body, surrounding by cell water.


I couldn't find research on actin and integrin, but there is a ton of work on collagen. I'll summarise some of the findings below.


It is important to note that:


•We usually want higher conductivity of collagen to maximise signalling.我们通常需要更高的胶原传导率来最大化信号传递。

•We want to be able to modulate collagen formation.


•Different types of collagen will have different optimal operating temperatures.不同类型的胶原蛋白有不同的最佳操作温度。

Fish skin collagen conductivity peaks at 320-350K (46-76C), which is above body temperature.

鱼皮肤胶原蛋白的传导率在320-350K (46-76C)之间达到峰值,高于体温。


24% hydrated (with water) Bovine achilles tendon collagen obeys conductivity equation σ(h) = A exp (h / T) 牛跟腱胶原蛋白服从电导率方程σ(h) = A exp (h / T)


So the higher the temperature, the lower the conductivity.


But not by much ….


The term 'A' is a dimentionless scaling factor that is independent of temperature, so to see how much difference we can measure at different temperatures, we just need to look at the 'exp (h / T)' term.

术语“A”是一个独立于温度的无量纲比例因子,所以要知道在不同的温度下我们可以测量多少差异,我们只需要看看“exp (h / T)”项。



•h = 0.24 (24%)

•T1 = 283 Kelvin (10C, which is “optimal CT temperature” according to Kruse)T1 = 283开尔文(10C,根据Kruse的“最佳CT温度”)

•T2 = 310 Kelvin (body temp)

exp(h / T1) = 1.0008484162387228 exp(h / T2) = 1.000774493313566

efficiency_lost = 1.000774493313566 / 1.0008484162387228 = 0.9999261397390881

T2 = 310k(体温)

exp(h / T1) = 1.0008484162387228

效率损失= 1.000774493313566 / 1.0008484162387228 = 0.9999261397390881

In other words, a lost of less than 0.0001% of electrical conductivity due to temperature.


Hydration is the far bigger factor – ie: protein function is far dependent on water chemistry than temperature.水合作用是一个大得多的因素,也就是说,蛋白质的功能对水化学的依赖性远远大于温度。

Other studies show that this temperature-dependent conductivity is actually context dependent:




in the range of 25 °C < T < 90 °C, the thermal conductivity, as for sheep collagen, varied linearly with temperature.


在25°C < T < 90°C范围内,绵羊胶原蛋白的导热系数随温度呈线性变化。

ie: better conductivity with increasing temperature. Opposite of what Kruse says.


Type 1 collagen is unique, in that is cannot form helixes above 30C 1型胶原蛋白独特,在30C以上无法形成螺旋


This is where the temperature dependence is important. Type 1 collagen is more an external structural collagen, found in tendons, ligaments, and some muscles.


To quote the study

In addition to simplifying the clean-up, the other advantage of such design could be the following. Apparently, helices confined in fibers cannot melt completely because their confinement would not allow chains to gain as much entropy as in solution (15). Nevertheless, the molecules can melt and refold locally as needed (1), giving fibers their great combination of strength and elasticity.



That makes total sense for tissues with high recycling and turnover requirements. You would “dissolve” collagen so that it would get to the right places, and then “let it set” in the cooler peripheral regions of the body.


But for tissues like the brain or heart, which operate consistently at high temperatures (35-37C), you don't see high protein turnover, and instead the only factor for efficiency considerations is conductivity of the carbon nanotubes.


ie: how much conductor and resonant electrical states can dendrite microtubules hold to support consciousness.


Hameroff et al have been working to show that coherence in brain microtubules can be maintained at high temperatures.



But I think the more important thing to note is Miles Mathis' destruction of Quantum Tunneling and superposition states.





This will require that I re-think the entire Orch-OR model, replacing their “collapse of superposition states” with something more concrete. It is likely not too difficult, since “dipole states” of tubulin sheets could just be simple regions of charge, and measurement obviously causes charge to flow from the measured object to the measuring object (“destroying the superposition” by taking away the charge of the measured object).

In that sense, I still think that the Orch-OR model can be useful. Moreover, by re-working it, I will probably have more insight into how the brain actually uses those charge transfers to create consciousness.




Sidetrack to Blood Oxygen Carrying Capacity血液携氧能力

Kruse says that “Cold allows blood to contain more oxygen”. Well …. yes, but cold puts in oxygen in the blood, but doesn't help with tissue oxygen delivery.


Wikipedia will tell you that higher temperatures provide more oxygen to tissues, and less oxygen affinity to hemoglobin.维基百科会告诉你,更高的温度会为组织提供更多的氧气,而对血红蛋白的氧亲和力则会降低。


Again, this can be a good thing in certain cases. Oxygen is dangerous when not controlled properly (see Nick Lane's book, 'Oxygen').


If you have a tissue that has sustained trauma, you would want to prevent further oxidative metabolism. So you cool it.


If you have a tissue that requires a lot of oxygen to work, you need to ramp up oxidative metabolism. So you keep it operating at normal temperatures (30-37C)


The statement “cold increases energy in the system” is not factual in a biologic organism.


Sidetrack to Blood CO2 Levels


It's been known for quite awhile now that CO2 is heavily involved in Hemoglobin's ability to deliver Oxygen to the appropriate tissues. We also know that respiratory rate falls under hypothermia, CO2 tension generally decreases, and the ability to deliver oxygen is reduced.


It is the interest of good health to maintain a good metabolic state, where metabolic substrate (carbohydrate, fats, etc …) are oxidised completely, and to produce appropriate levels of CO2.


Sidenote: One of the arguments for carbohydrate driven metabolism is that we can produce more CO2 (and NAD+ to support further oxidative metabolism) as compared to the oxidation of fats.


A successful response to cold exposure involves either maintaining core body temperature, or even raising it slightly. This is a good indicator of a successful response to Cold Thermogenesis, and one possible methodology may be to perform CT only if core temperature can be maintained.


Still, it is important to realise that cold itself being a stressor demands a stress response. WIm Hof talks about how it is an adrenaline raising experience :D . Again, at the correct dose, this promotes resilience to stress, and at a high dose, you have a chronically elevated stress state (high glucocorticoids, poor blood sugar regulation, etc …)

尽管如此,重要的是要认识到,寒冷本身就是一个压力源,需要一个压力反应。维姆·霍夫(WIm Hof)谈到这是一种肾上腺素上升的体验:D。同样,在正确的剂量下,这可以提高对压力的适应力,而在高剂量下,你会有一个长期升高的压力状态(高糖皮质激素,低血糖调节,等等…)

Anyway, on to other topics …


Cooling of the Surface Tissues


One of the claims that Kruse makes is that cooling of the surface layers “increases energy in the system by way of Topological Insulators”.


I will look at this topic from the perspective of the skin and superficial layers as an interfacial layer (interface between inside and outside the body).


One of the of areas which we can look to is Chinese Acupuncture. The acupuncture points and meridians are clearly points where there are high EMF fields detected.



Ignore the bombastic descriptions of “liquid crystalline structure” from the previous paper, but the behaviourial description still hold true – these “collagen wires” are regions of increased charge flow which connect various parts of the body.


If Cold Exposure were to induce energetic efficiencies that affect tissues below the surface, it is these collagen pathways which will be responsible for affecting the deeper organs like the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, etc…


Since these are “charge wires”, super-(non)-conductivity, and thus cooling would be beneficial here. The questions are:


•Can we actually cool these collagen meridians to any significant degree to improve biologic function?我们真的能有效地冷却这些胶原蛋白经络来改善生物功能吗?

•Is it worth the tradeoff of extra biological adaptations and/or stress needed to deal with the cold?


Note: Yes, you can cool blood too. But cooling blood alone is (a) not a significant means to cool the body, (b) clearly detrimental to normal function (for the reasons given prior in this post).

Cooling the blood is great for stuff like treating brain trauma though.



So regarding the Skin being an interface, I think that skin is simply a homogenous interfacial layer, and does not confer specific efficiencies to the rest of the body.


I think of because known accupuncture points, which apart from the hands, feet, and head, are very deep.



Meridian Depth and a Sidenote on Laser Acupuncture


We're talking about at least 10mm deep in most acupuncture points, and up to 50mm. There seems to be good evidence that red lasers in the low 800nm range can reach 30mm.



UV lasers don't penerate as deep.



So pulsed lasers in the low 800nm range it is. Thankfully these are pretty safe to use, so I think-


Back to the Skin as an Interface


But back to the skin, if it truly did impart a direct effect by virtue of continuous collagen wires to the various systems of the body, then we wouldn't have to needle as deep as we do.


It would also make sense that the skin acts as a barrier, shielding all but a few surface meridians from the external world.


I base my premise on the fact that in order to get good treatment, you need to activate both the surface and internal meridians.


So what does the skin do on an energetic basis? Personally, I think that it simply transduces incoming light to an energy level which the body can use.


Does cold help in this process? I personally think that the answer is NO.感冒在这个过程中有帮助吗?我个人认为答案是否定的。

•You know those Bio-impedence scales used to measure body fat? We know that increased temperatures increases conductivity in the skin.你知道用来测量身体脂肪的生物阻抗量表吗?我们知道温度升高会增加皮肤的导电性。http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/3193865

•Melanin, the magical compound which can transform any light into IR light, again is dependent mostly on Hydration status.黑色素是一种神奇的化合物,它能将任何光线转化为红外光,同样主要依赖于水合状态。


If you look at their data, it is likely that increasing temperature increases conductivity, which is just a way of saying that it can channel and transduce more incoming light to usable energy for the body.

Hydration is still the primary factor, not temperature.



I still think that the cold is important information for the body. It can send a signal to the rest of system, and through biologic processes, tell the system to do stuff like become more efficient with Thyroid hormones, make more melanin (maybe because there isn't enough energy), become more sensitive to testosterone, etc ….


But again, this is a biologic process, and one that will be fraught with biologic drivers. eg: Northern guy like you probably will intrinsically uncouple respiration more so that a skinny tropical lanky fucker like me. Cold can actually help you mobilise more usable energy through the biologic process of your more-uncoupled mitochondrial respiration process.


And I still can't support the hypothesis that “cold increases energy” or “cold increases energy efficiency”, when experiments point to the opposite conclusion in both biologic tissues and inorganic materials.


Hands and Feet are exceptions


We know that these are the areas that leak the most biophotons, and it makes sense that the collagen meridians are much closer to the surface here.


Add to the fact that you have lots of venous flow, I do see a possible direct effect of cold thermogenesis of the hands and feet to other systems in the body.


Whether or not this is a good effect, is left to be determined, but personally, I suspect that it cold exposure isn't beneficial as a chronic treament. I'm thinking more along the lines of cooling in conjunction with laser stimulation of the acupuncture point.


The cooling may open up the channel to more conductivity, and the laser would activate the point better.


Then again, whether or not you need cooling remains to be seen, but I suspect that it could be useful, but only in the hands and feet, where cooling actually draws away bloodflow, and thereby creates a situation where there is less stuff (like blood) to absorb the incoming laser – thereby allowing more efficiency in energy transfer in the laser treatment.


But do we need more efficient energy transfer, when the meridians are already so close to the surface? My guess is NO. Which means that cold is not going to be useful in the first place.


In the deep points, I find it hard to believe that cold would “clear the way for laser activation” so to speak, simply because “how the hell do you cool down the inside of your thigh” in order to get to one of the liver points deep in there?


My guess is that the cooling will not give a significantly large effect to be worth the extra hassle of treatment procedures, extra equipment, and of course, patient discomfort.


Conclusions for Now


Cold reduces energy in the organism. It slows things down, reduces their charge, whatever ….. Doesn't sound like an optimal performance scenario to me …..


It is still great for many scenarios – surgery and trauma treatment for example.


It is and still great in controlled doses to ilicit the appropriate biologic response. These doses will be greater than most people think – ie: most healthy people could probably benefit from getting into a freezing lake for 10 minutess. But 30 minutes? Nope. More cold is not better. (But most people are still too afraid in the cold though ….)


But it is wrong to say that cold is fundamentally good on a physical level. It is a definitely a biologic hormetic effect.


Hydration of Collagen is far more important for it's function than temperature in the context of the biologic system.


Wellness of collagen structures depend on the ability for them to form hydrophilic helices when needed, and become a “gel-like” malleable paste to be deposited where they need to go.


In this sense, I think anything that disturbs the structure of existing collagen is very troublesome. The most destructive stressors on collagen are likely, powerful non-native EMF, and various acoustic waves, which have the ability to over-excite collagen structures and cause them to lose water.


Personal Testing is Required


There are people who will be able to respond with the appropriate biological mechanisms to not only combat the cold, but thrive in it. There is a discrepancy of about 15% in metabolism in chronically cold-exposed humans due to uncoupling of mitochondrial ECT to produce heat.


Whether or not a particular person is able to respond to cold environments is dependent on too many factors to consider, and in my experience, has not as much to do with genetics and ancestry than it has to do with a particular person's make up (driven by forces which mainstream science cannot describe)


I favour the methodology of consistent testing upon cold exposure. How is your thyroid doing? How is the coherence of various meridians and points (especially the adrenals)? How are you feeling? How are you sleeping? etc, etc ….


So long as measures of coherence are improving upon cold exposure, I consider it a good thing. If the opposite occurs, I will recommend backing off cold exposure until underlying issues are fixed.


CT is a tool to be used appropriately.


Update [Tue-17-Nov-2015]: Response to a Particular Paper

更新[tue -17- 2015年11月17日]:对一篇特定论文的回应

I was pointed to a paper “Human physiological responses to immersion into water of different temperatures.”


which supposedly showed some of the benefits of Cold Exposure.



Keep in mind the experimental conditions:记住实验条件:

•10 young man, aged 20-24. Youth has it's advantages ;)10个年轻人,年龄20-24岁。年轻有它的优势;)

•These were Men – no guarantee that women react the same or differently.这些都是男性——不能保证女性的反应是一样的还是不同的。

•Full body immersion (no head) for 1 hour. This was intense!!!


•Skinfolds put them at 10.2% body fat on average. Lean and definitely no major issues with maintaining fat mass homeostasis. Likely no major issues with hormonal balances (no major leptin signalling issues, dopamine homeostasis working fine, etc …)皮肤褶皱显示他们的体脂平均为10.2%。瘦而且绝对没有维持体内脂肪平衡的大问题。可能荷尔蒙平衡没有大的问题(没有大的瘦素信号问题,多巴胺稳态工作正常,等等…)

•“Metabolic rate” means “rate of O2 consumption”. This is not entirely indicative of a favourable rise in metabolic rate. I would have likely to see a O2 vs CO2 metric, to see how much fat vs carbs they were burning. These men were lean, I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of shivering thermogenesis, and a lot of glycogen burning. (what would happen if you put these guys on a no-carb diet for 3 days, deplete all their muscle glycogen, and then run the same test?)“代谢率”指的是“氧气消耗率”。这并不完全表明代谢率出现了有利的上升。我很可能会看到氧气和二氧化碳的比例,看看他们消耗了多少脂肪和碳水化合物。这些人都很瘦,我不会惊讶于看到很多发抖的生热作用和大量的糖原燃烧。(如果你让这些人连续3天不吃碳水化合物,耗尽他们所有的肌糖原,然后进行同样的测试,会发生什么?)

•14 degrees C water. What would happen in even colder water? Colder water requires an even greater biologic response.


Other ideas I would like to see:


•Test FFA levels before and after immersion.在浸泡前后测试FFA水平。

•Do an OGGT before and after cold immersion to test differences in insulin response.冷浸前后进行OGGT测试胰岛素反应的差异。

•Do muscle biopsy before and after to test for Intramuscular Trigs, Glycogen levels, UCP activity, and GLUT4 activation.前后做肌肉活检以检测肌内Trigs/糖原水平/UCP活性和GLUT4激活。

•Do the same test on obese patients and/or sick patients.


There are other ideas, but you can see that we MUST check the methods used in a study in order to determine if the suggested mechanism is generalisable.


On to some results.


Cold water immersion (14 degrees C) lowered rectal temperature and increased metabolic rate (by 350%), heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (by 5%, 7%, and 8%, respectively)


Again, “metabolic rate” means “Oxygen Consumption”. Increased oxygen consumption is not always a good thing, especially if we do not know what sort of metabolism that increased oxygen consumption is driving.


•Is this increased glycogen metabolism through shivering? Is this increased metaoblic uncoupling fueled by fatty acids?

What if we could not achieve an uncoupling response?

What happens once glycogen is depleted? Will the body be prompted to try and make more? (and increasing the glucorticoids as a result)颤抖会增加糖原代谢吗?这种增加的代谢解耦是由脂肪酸引起的吗?



•What would happen if we eat a lot of carbs before cold exposure? What would happen if we eat a lot of fat? What would happen if we were fasted?

Clearly biological-specific mechanisms which modulate the biology of the organism are at play here.



What would happen if cold exposure were to happen first thing in the morning? What if it were to happen?如果早上第一件事就是暴露在寒冷中会发生什么?万一发生了呢?

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